Hi There! It's Four I’s Flint

My 4 ”I”s take your idea for a cool invention from the “IMAGINATION” to the “ENTIRE NATION”.  Since the Stone Age flint stones have been used to ignite sparks, and I will do the same for your idea.  I just Love to ignite the spark of a great idea in the minds of kids everywhere with my 4”I”s : IMAGINE, INVESTIGATE, INVITE, and IGNITE!  Imagination is your mind’s way of creating a picture of your heart’s desire.  If you can see it there, with some help from my 4”I”s, you can actually make it! 

The “I CAN MAKE IT!” Game Show is a fun way for your whole school to work together to reach a fundraising goal, while you do your personal best to reach your own goal.  Whether that goal is the next big invention, or a gold level prize, I believe that you can make it!  Go ahead, repeat after me, “I can make it!”…“I Can Make It!”…“I CAN MAKE IT!”

Join The “INVENT-With-FLINT” Club
Students and parents get access to exclusive monthly webinars taught by real life inventors and invention attorneys. Also receive the monthly Flint-O-Gram Newsletter to see what’s new with Flint! Webinars topics include:
  • Looking Through Flint’s 4 I’s
  • Exploring Flint’s 4 P’s
  • Making An “I Can Make It” Action Plan, and More.
  • All webinars conclude with Q & A to help answer specific questions about your invention or product idea!